lol fashion show
Image: Amazon

LOL Fashion Show on the Go is a much needed LOL play/display/carry/go storage case. It does so many things and carries so many dolls, it will make your little one’s head spin. One downside is that she may be compelled to fill the case with dolls. The upside is that if she already has a bunch of dolls, you can easily say you cannot buy anymore because the case is full. =)

We’ve pulled together a parents’ mini-guide of 5 things you need to know about Fashion Show on the Go BEFORE you buy. These guys are currently retailing for around $24.88. Check the price on Amazon–and if it’s close–BUY! You’ll save time, gas, and sanity.

1. You’re paying for the case!

LOL Fashion Show is a great carrying case for the little LOL doll lover who is an avid collector and wants to play on the go.

That’s right…it’s the case!

The pictures look amazing with great styling, but ultimately you’re paying for a plastic case to hold all her LOL doll stuff.

Could you use an old Pearl Surprise, a tool box (like we do), or even a plain old plastic bin?

Yes but…

Where’s the fun in that?

2. LOL Fashion Show comes with 1 doll.

There are a couple of benefits to buying LOL Fashion Show, rather than using a plain old plastic bin. One of them is that this case comes with 1 re-released doll.

Which one?

We don’t know. It’s a surprise!

You probably won’t receive Rocker (the doll on the box and in the advertisements), but your little one will get a doll from a previous series that probably isn’t available anymore.

Yes, all the packaging shows dozens of dolls having a great fashion show, but those are YOUR little one’s hypothetical dolls. LOL Fashion Show On the Go only comes with 1 LOL doll.

3. LOL Fashion Show on the Go fits 18 dolls, more if you have lil sisters.

Now here’s the whole reason you would buy this case….

You’re little one has lots of dolls and YOU want to keep all the products of your hard earned money together. We’ve heard the heartbreaking parent stories of daughters that lost all their LOL dolls, most of the shoes (to be fair, these are easy to lose), or other accessories–only to launch into a tantrum until the latest LOL doll was purchased.

There is a way to prevent this…

Put everything together in a fun case!

4. It’s 4-in-1. Here’s how:

lol fashion show play set
Image: Amazon

So, the first reason to choose this case over a plain old plastic bin is that it comes with a doll. The second reason is that LOL Fashion Show can be used 4 ways:

  1. Display: Perfect for a shelf in the room or (gulp) mounting to the wall.
  2. Play: Lay the bottom flat and it becomes a play scene. The pink plastic blocks inside the case become podiums for the little divas during their fashion show.
  3. Store: Slide the podiums back into the case and they become drawers for accessories.
  4. Carry away: There’s a handle on the top so she can take her dolls to a friends house or on her next trip to grandma’s. You can even connect 2 cases if she has loads of dolls.

Check the price for LOL Fashion Show on the Go on Amazon.

5. It’s returnable if you buy from Amazon.

When a notice popped up on Amazon that this item is returnable, we were super excited! If your LOL Fashion Show on the Go is missing a doll, comes broken, or whatever, apparently now you can pack it up and send it back to Amazon.

Here’s what to look for:

lol fashion show free returns
Image: Amazon

We don’t know how the free returns work yet for LOL dolls. There is nothing specifically mentioned about toys in the return policy either. Check out the Amazon free returns page for yourself right here:

If you have tried to return an LOL doll, pet, or item to Amazon, let us know in the comments.

Check the price for LOL Fashion Show on the Go on Amazon.

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